Booking Booking&Contact Book Kirprenses for your next event Use this form for general questions Simple booking request We’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Social Media Bandcamp Soundcloud Spotify Twitter Instagram Facebook Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Name *VornameNachnameE-Mail *Where is the Event? *Please fill out the exact locationDate of Event *Booking Preferences *(Solo) Kirprenses on BassKirprenses and BandKirprenses and AdrianDuration *1/2 hour1 hour2 hoursFor more than two hours, please use the simple contact form to get in touch with usAccommodation *Full paid travel expenses *YesNoWhen your not sure, please use the simple contact form to get in touch with usPayment Method * Paypal Bitcoin Swift This is just an Information form, not a payment form. Payments after final bookingPhoneSend